Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates" (Proverbs 31:30-31).

Five years ago, one month before my high school graduation, I broke my mother's heart by doing the opposite of praising my mother. Both my parents taught me the Truth growing up—that I was a sinner in need of Jesus. What is more, they also lived radically different than the outside world by identifying themselves with Jesus, allowing Him to infiltrate every facet of life...including parenting. So when they found out that I was lying to them and secretly partying behind their backs—getting drunk, smoking weed, fooling around, etc.—they gave me a just ultimatum. I could continue to enjoy all the benefits of living at home while abiding by their rules, or I could move out. I chose the latter. At the age of 17, I put my belongings in a few large trash bags and walked to a friend’s house. The next 8 months saw me fulfilling the proclamation of Romans 1:32: "Though they know God's decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they do not only do them but give approve to those who practice them."

While I was in my sin, however, my brokenhearted mother never stopped thinking of me. She prayed daily, almost always in tears. Although asking why God would allow this, she unceasingly put her hope and trust in the One who works all things to the good of those who love Him. While I was out partying, willingly handing my life over to the Ruler of this world, she continually cast her burden on King Jesus. She feared the LORD, knowing that apart from His will, not one hair would fall from my head.

God worked through the prayer of my mom to bring me to my knees, ultimately committing my life over to Jesus. I am eternally thankful to my mother for her trust in God, which is what I intend to bring to the forefront this Mother’s Day. While many moms are like Martha, striving to make the house more neat, more clean, etc., God has blessed me with a Mary, who is always seated at the feet of Jesus (while still keeping the house in order!). Not only have I been blessed by her prayers while I was in rebellion, but am still blessed as I see her humility before her Savior. Like Mary, she is not afraid to weep at Jesus feet in recognition of her brokenness, giving me a greater gift than all the clean dishes in the world. Through her, I have seen how my heart ought to be before my God, and only hope and pray that I, too, can pass this on to my children. May we never cease to praise such women who make Jesus their greatest desire, and I just want you to know mom, that I have, and still do, take notice of His work in you! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Zach. Mom and I read it together, and we are both crying. We are grateful to our great God and His great mercy.
