Currently, my beautiful wife is in bed. Her stomach is aching over the 1 lb. little boy inside of her. What’s going on? What is it that is causing such pain? Perhaps it is the fact that his crushing kicks nearly penetrated her belly this morning. Perhaps he is already showing his depravity by purposefully causing pain. Who knows? Well, in all likelihood, Emily’s growing tummy is not in pain because of David’s little feet. Nevertheless, she is already learning the sacrifice of being a mom. In fact, as her stomach has hurt all morning, she still smiles when he moves. She never stops enjoying their growing bond as he flips and kicks inside of her. She loves it. She loves him. She would willingly take this pain any day to provide for her little one. She is, indeed, already a mom…and a great one. Being concerned about his spiritual state, she has sung hymns aloud in his hearing. She reads her Bible out loud as well, so that even from a young age he may know the Word. At times, Emily will question herself, wondering if she will be fit for this God-given task. “Will I know all the right things to say?” “What if he asks me something I can’t answer?” Ironically, these very questions are what prophesy of her fitness for this calling. Emily will be a broken mother. A soft-hearted mother. She will strive to tell David about his need for Jesus, knowing that anything good that comes from her mouth will be the Lord’s doing. She will lean on her Savior, looking to the cross for strength.
As Emily feels already the physical pain of motherhood, she is being prepared for the emotional and spiritual pain that is to come. David will sin; he will disobey; he may even say to his mom, “I hate you!” Nevertheless, the strength that my wife will find shall not be in her children, but in the God who cares for their soul far more than she ever will. And then, by God’s grace, in 10, 15, 20, or even 30 years down the road, David will join with his daddy to say, “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”
I love you sweetie, and couldn’t be more thrilled and blessed to have you as my wife and the mother of my children…even now. Happy Mother’s Day!
As Emily feels already the physical pain of motherhood, she is being prepared for the emotional and spiritual pain that is to come. David will sin; he will disobey; he may even say to his mom, “I hate you!” Nevertheless, the strength that my wife will find shall not be in her children, but in the God who cares for their soul far more than she ever will. And then, by God’s grace, in 10, 15, 20, or even 30 years down the road, David will join with his daddy to say, “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”
I love you sweetie, and couldn’t be more thrilled and blessed to have you as my wife and the mother of my children…even now. Happy Mother’s Day!
Just love my daughter-in-law!! She's going to be a great Mom!!